Dipolar gases constitute one of the most active and promising research topics in the very competitive field of ultracold gases. The long-range and anisotropic character of the dipole-dipole interaction is expected to result in an exciting novel physics for dipolar gases both at the few- and many-body level, which is just starting to be unveiled in recent years. Hence, research on dipolar gases covers a very broad area, containing many aspects that a single group will hardly be able to address alone. The main objective of our Research Unit is to foster the competitiveness of Germany and Austria in the challenging field of dipolar quantum gas physics by combining the expertise of leading research groups working on dipolar gases in our two countries. The Research Unit will allow to create new synergies and collaborations, and to build a common platform to address novel questions at the forefront of modern quantum physics. We plan to combine and coordinate our research activities along three main scientific objectives:
- The development of novel experimental tools for the creation and manipulation of degenerate gases of highly magnetic atoms and polar molecules.
- The investigation of two- and few-body collisional processes (such as reactive and non-reactive collisions) and the establishment of a common toolbox for engineering two and few-body properties of dipolar gases of atoms and molecules.
- The theoretical and experimental investigation of many-body dipolar physics with particular emphasis on novel phenomena such as roton excitations, inter-layer composites, and supersolids.
We are strongly committed to establish a collaborative frame that will create new links and solid cooperation between our teams, encouraging lively discussions, the interchange of know-how, and development of novel ideas and tools among our groups. We will structure these networking activities by means of a Joint Virtual Institute, which will organize several initiatives, including a common IT infrastructure, a visitors program, yearly workshops, student visits, and coordinated task forces.